XAJSi Cabinets Visit 1st President of XAJSi
The Acting President of XAJSi and Head of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Mr. Abdifatah Ali Gani, together with the Senior Advisor to the Government and the Secretary of Head Exrenal Affairs, today visited the Banadir Regional Court and held a meeting with the first President of the Student Government of SIMAD University -XAJSi. , Judge Khadar Baid.
The purpose of the visit was to inform and introduce the beginning of the acceleration of the XAJSi day that will celebrate the establishment of the XAJSi Government.
Finally, Judge Khadar Baid praised how the government is serving the students and putting a lot of effort into the establishment of the great day of XAJSi.
#XAJSi23 #XAJSiVisit #XAJSiDay
Date: July 3, 2023